Seeds of Peace
The Palestinian Jawdat Talousy worked in the Israeli settlement ‘Nizzane Ha Shalom’ (Seeds of Peace), located on the West Bank. He was fired because he wanted to establish a labour committee. In the settlements on the West Bank, labour laws for Palestinians are ambiguous and law enforcement is weak. This juridical chaos is causing abuse of Palestinian workers. Despite of this, more and more Palestinians turning for work to the Israeli settlements. Because the Palestinian economy is unable to create enough jobs.In de Israëlische industriële zones op de bezette Westoever strijden Palestijnse werknemers voor gelijke arbeidsrechten. Jawdat Talousy is een van hen.
The Palestinian Jawdat Talousy worked in the Israeli settlement ‘Nizzane Ha Shalom’ (Seeds of Peace), located on the West Bank. He was fired because he wanted to establish a labour committee. In the settlements on the West Bank, labour laws for Palestinians are ambiguous and law enforcement is weak. This juridical chaos is causing abuse of Palestinian workers. Despite of this, more and more Palestinians turning for work to the Israeli settlements. Because the Palestinian economy is unable to create enough jobs.
Hopefully this documentary will force us to critically evaluate our responsibilities as consumers
Suying Lai - Policy Advisor Oxfam Novib